Light Brick Video

Product: Lightweight High-Alumina Brick

Application: Lightweight high-alumina bricks are used for lining and insulating layers in kilns, as well as in areas where there is no severe erosion and abrasion by high-temperature molten materials. When in direct contact with flames, the surface contact temperature should not exceed 1350°C.

Light Brick Video

Refractory Brick Video

Product: High Alumina Refractory Brick

Application: High alumina refractory bricks are used for lining in blast furnaces, hot blast stoves, electric furnace roofs, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, and rotary kiln linings. In addition, high alumina bricks are also widely used for hearth-type checker bricks in regenerative stoves, stopper heads for casting systems, and nozzle bricks. However, high alumina bricks are more expensive than clay bricks, so if clay bricks can meet the requirements, there is no need to use high alumina bricks.

Refractory Brick Video

High Alumina Brick Video

Product: High Alumina Brick

Application : High alumina bricks are suitable for various industrial kilns, furnace constructions, chimneys, fire-resistant passages, coal bunkers, indoor fireplaces, and various high-temperature kilns.

High Alumina Brick Video

Clay Brick Video

Product: Clay Brick

Application: Kilns, industrial furnace insulation, and thermal insulation, etc.

Clay Brick Video


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